


We have thousands manuals for all makes and model of car & motorcycle, all manuals and books are available on CD, DVD or downloadable (depending on file size) form, the manuals will cover all areas of auto repair, some manuals may include a free owners manual for the specific car or bike.

These manuals are the same as the manuals given to official dealer's workshops, they contain detailed instructions and step by step diagrams for all workshop procedures - everything from changing the plug to rebuilding the engine - as well as electrical diagrams, torque settings, fluid capacities, etc.

Our in-depth & highly detailed manual and books you will be able to work on your vehicle with the absolute best resources available, which will not only save you allot of money in repair bills but will also help you to look after your investment, keeping your vehicle in pristine condition. With step by step instruction & highly detailed pictures to show you how to complete the required job correctly & efficiently.


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