Online Car Repair Manual Acura Manual 810 Dilution Pipette APPLICATION NOTE

Acura manual 810 dilution pipette APPLICATION NOTE, are you acura owner? this is online car repair manual, the best car manual containing of Acura Manual 810 Dilution Pipette APPLICATION NOTE this manual is free and I hope you have this one.

Acura manual 810 dilution pipette APPLICATION NOTE, you can download it here just in one click.

Acura ?manual 810 dilution pipette APPLICATION NOTE
1: 10 dilutions
Pipetting mode 1. Depress plunger button in full, then release slowly to aspirate 1.1 mL
2. Depress plunger button to first stop, thus dispensing 1 mL in Petri dish
3. Depress plunger button to second stop, thus dispensing residual 0.1 mL in next Petri dish…

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