BMW R1200S Repair Manual

BMW R1200S Service Manual

Most of the hurts and troubles coming from riding is from not being really comfortable on your bike.

While this can come from a variety of reasons the main one is from handlebar position. This is not always that obvious because riders tend to adjust their fixed position to the bike whereas the correct thing to do is adjust the bike to your body.

BMW R1200S Problems?

Most of the hurts and troubles coming from riding is from not being really comfortable on your bike.

While this can come from a variety of reasons the main one is from handlebar position. This is not always that obvious because riders tend to adjust their fixed position to the bike whereas the correct thing to do is adjust the bike to your body.

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Wrist Joint Angle
While doing this also take careful note of the angle of your wrists to the angle of the bars. Oftentimes you will find your wrists are at a slightly different angle to the bars. This means that you need bars set at a slightly different angle to the originals. There are a variety of handlebar risers on the market and you should be able to find a set that meets your need if you experiment a bit by using the above test.

BMW K Series Owners For riders of some of the BMW K series model Motorcycles, Flood makes an adjustable riser that you can fiddle around with to get into just the right position thus saving buying a range of bars until you get it right. Downside is they are only good for models K1200RS, K1300RS and R1200S.

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These bars are limited in their adjustment though as they only rise about an inch (25mm) although they can be set so they are a bit closer or a bit further away from the rider and no cable or other wiring extensions are needed.
If this doesn't meet your requirements then you need to go to other makers but you will be into more work extending cables and brake lines to get a more rise. It is amazing sometimes how a very small change in handlebar position can make a huge difference in riding comfort and reduce or eradicate "after the ride" aches and troubles.

BMW R1200S Service Manual = BMW R1200S Service Manual

source :8wall | kotak ajaib | internet murah | lirik lagu terbaru | info ponsel terbaru | 8wall | taletone | review gadget | smash blast
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