Right after purchasing your new mini dirt bike it is important that you break in your bike. Your new bikes engine need a break in order to maximize your vehicles speed and performance should you enter your bike in races or simply to just acquire the full performance of your vehicle then this is what you must do first before using you vehicle on the track. There are a few ways of breaking in your dirt bike, here are some ways of breaking in your vehicle.
Road Trips
After you purchase your new mini dirt bike then it's off to breaking them in. One of the best ways of breaking in your new vehicle is to take a road trip and travel your bike long distance. You can take someone with you or go as a group. It will be like a weekend trip with your friends but you are also breaking in your bike. First thing you must do is not to overburden your dirt bike by quickly going to top speeds, you must go slow for the first 5 kilometers then you can speed up a bit in the next five. Make sure to turn off your engine and let it cool down after 8-10 kilometers. Your bike is new after all and might not handle well if you take it to its limits the first time you drive them.
Heat Cycling
This is a break in technique that you should meticulously monitor. This is a technique that racers use when they have acquired a new mini dirt bike for racing. You start off by turning your engine on and keeping it idle for 10 minutes. After ten minutes turn off the engine and you'll notice that your engines temperature has risen, let your engine cool down and restart the process once again. Do this three to four times letting your engine cool down after 10 minutes. At your fourth and final heat cycle you can ride your bike but don't speed up, ride it until you run out of gas. After running out of gas let your engine cool down again and gas up again. You're good to go, now you have harnessed the full performance and speed of your dirt bike and you're ready to race.
Breaking In at the Track
This is a technique that has been rarely used by most mini dirt bike enthusiasts. First you must warm up the engine of your bike for 5 minutes then after that engage your clutch and slowly move to the track. There ride your vehicle at a slow pace or even a crawl. You must not rev up your engine in your first lap. This will put too much strain in your engine causing it to produce average speed and strength. During your first lap just take it slow you can increase your speed a bit on the second lap and increase your speed again on the third lap. Make sure that you do not speed up or ride your bike too slow. Just ride it at an average pace doing this will greatly insure that your bike will not easily break down after a few months of use.