When to Replace Your Car Tyres

Anybody who owns a car knows that there is a lot of care and maintenance that needs to be done in order to keep the car running its best and enable it to last its owner for a long time. One of the most common things that require replacement or repair on just about any car is the tyres. After all, they do go through a lot of abuse, such as driving through rough terrain, over pot holes, and all other sorts of obstacles. So it's no wonder then that, over time, tyres can easily get worn down and will eventually need to be replaced before they lose their traction completely or end up popping while someone is driving the vehicle, which can actually be a very dangerous situation to be in. So knowing what to look for and what signs that signify that a tyre may need replaced is vital to all car owners to make sure that they are driving safely. There are several ways to tell whether a car tyre is in good shape or should be replaced with cheap car tyres online.

One of the most popular ways that people use to tell whether or not a tyre may need replaced is known as the standard penny test. This involves taking a small coin, placing it upside down in the tread of the tyre, and checking to see if the very top of the head of the person on the coin can be seen when it is placed inside the tread. It should be about halfway covered. If it is not, then the tyre most likely needs to be replaced.

But this test is not fail proof, and so it is recommended that all drivers own a tread depth indicator, which is a more accurate way to find out the exact depth of the tread on a tyre. These are relatively inexpensive to buy, and they pay for themselves over time once the driver can have the peace of mind knowing that their tyres are safe to be driving with. However, if price is an issue, most tyre stores will actually check a car's tyres for free to find out if they need replaced or not. However, it is important to make sure that they do not try to get the buyer to purchase tyres when they don't, in reality, need them.

Generally, it should be noted that tires should be replaced at least once every six years. However, most need replaced much sooner than that. It is always important to check treads occasionally, and when tires do need replaced, it is a good idea to check for cheap car tyres online.

Jennifer is a business consultant and a keen car enthusiast. Over the years her knowledge of tyres has improved vastly, particularly learning about run flat tyres, part worn tyres and pirelli tyres. For more information visit Easy Wheels.

22 Jul, 2011

Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6443850
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